We have developed powerful proprietary diagnostic tools that add value:

1. Dream Team enablement

The team evaluates how it perceives itself to be performing on 5 key dimensions that define effective teamse. composition, cohesion, communication, collaboration and consistency of practices. This report then forms part of a group discussion and action planning, guided by an expert expert facilitator. The indicators and action plan are tracked over time, and capability building is provided to ensure that team members can close the gaps using empowering practices and rituals that are agreed upon. An example of this would be creating a team charter, if there is lack of clarity regarding the purpose of the group. If the team is struggling to learn then insight building tools like After Action Reviews are taught and practised.

The utility of this diagnostic tool lies in the fact that it is:

  • Based on 5 key areas of team success
  • Focusses attention on the team’s most pressing needs – 80/20 principle
  • Tracks progress over time
  • Each question has toolkits and rituals to help the team transform effectively
2. Psychological Safety 360-degree and team diagnostic:

Psychological Safety Inventory per team – (19 Questions)

Covers: Inclusive leadership (6Q), team trust (2Q), toxicity (2Q), safe spaces (3Q), responding to failure (2Q), conversations that count (3Q), Net Promoter Score (1Q).

Examples of questions:

  • Team trust:  e.g. Vulnerability: When team members need input and/or are struggling they reach out to their teammates.
  • Conversations that count: e.g. Receptive listening: Members on the team are, in general, able to receive feedback without becoming defensive, and learn from it.
  • Safe spaces: e.g. Impression management: Experience the team environment as non-threatening and feel comfortable to ask questions, admit mistakes, offer ideas and/or critique the status quo.
  • Toxic behaviour: e.g. Toxicity tolerance: Toxic behaviours from team members (e.g. bulling, selfishness, blame-storming, gossiping, politics, apathy, passive aggressiveness etc) are not tolerated.
  • Responding to failure: e.g. Risk aversion: In this team we support risk taking when trying something new, even if we are not guaranteed success.
  • Inclusive leadership: e.g. Invites participation: Our team leader encourages different views and does not feel threatened, irrespective of whom disagrees with them.

This assessment is conducted 6-monthly to assess progress.

Psychological safety 360-degree per individual (4 Questions)

4 key questions measuring: Prosocial team behaviour, support provided, receptive listening and candour promoting.

  • Each team member receives feedback from their peers and manager.
  • Conducted quarterly (can be used in their team KPI)

The power of these psychological safety tools:

  • There are no South African based tools that have been developed like this.
  • Highlights the unique challenges that each team experiences, instead of meaningless global company scores.
  • Provides rituals and tools to overcome the team’s gaps.
  • Provides insights into both the individuals and teams contribution to psychological safety.
3. Fluid leadership 360-degree: (17 questions)

Metaphorically, leaders that are "fluid", i.e. able to mould themselves to their environment and situation, move forward despite the obstacles, are more capable of handling dynamic, complex environments than those with rigid leadership styles.

Broadly, the Fluid model clusters into two key domains:

  • Task orientation: Task (results driven), analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem-solving, technical/professional expertise, strategic, ops-tactical, stability and change.
  • People orientation: Relationships, candour (dialogue), consideration (listening), develops others, inspires, integrity, communicates powerfully and collaboration (teamwork).

The utility of this 360-degree leadership tool lies in the fact that it involves:

  • A short survey that is not laborious to complete - 17 questions.
  • Robust research, 21st century dimensions that are worth measuring.
  • Simple, but powerful graphics and algorithms that tell a compelling story.
  • Work booklet and workshop that systematically helps unpack the skills needed to improve.
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What gets measured, gets done.

Peter Drucker